FLDOE Announces Redesigned FSA Score Reports
February 23, 2016
The Department of Education is proud to present a newly redesigned score report for the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA), statewide science assessments and statewide end-of-course assessments. Our state’s students, with the support of their families and educators, work hard all year to make sure they have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in future grades and courses. They deserve to receive a score report that provides a clear depiction of their performance so they can take steps to improve.
For more information, please visit http://www.fldoe.org/accountability/assessments/fsa-report.stml.
After School Activities Cancelled--February 23, 2016
February 23, 2016
Schools Closed--Wednesday, February 24
February 23, 2016
FSA Writing Assessment
February 19, 2016
The FSA Writing Assessment will be administered February 29-March 3. Grades 4-10 will be tested. Grades 4-7 will take a paper-based assessment. Grades 8-10 will take a computer-based assessment.
It is important for you and your student to understand the following policies before testing: If your student is found with ANY electronic device during testing, his or her test will be invalidated. We encourage students to leave their devices at home or in their lockers on testing days. Your student will be asked to sign a pledge prior to testing that says he or she will not give or receive unauthorized help during the test. If it's determined that a test contains extremely similar answer patterns, it may be invalidated. Students found posting any test information on social media sites risk their tests being invalidated, as well. If your student leaves campus before completing the test, he or she will NOT be allowed to complete the test. The assessment calendar is posted on our district website at www.hdsb.org. If you have questions related to this test administration, please contact your child's school. Thank you for supporting your student as he or she prepares for testing.
For more information about the Florida Standards Assessment, visit http://www.fsassessments.org/students-and-families/.
Ponce de Leon FBLA Members Complete Community Service Project
February 10, 2016
Ponce de Leon FBLA
Community Service Project
For the 2015- 2016 school year, the community service committee chose to provide activities that would target the areas of reading literacy, parental involvement, and community involvement and education for the targeted preschool population in all areas in Holmes County. Activities will include providing families with books to continue the enjoyment of books in the home, create a memory book that will allow children and their families to remember the positive learning environment at Head Start, and provide two community events for all parents and children within the community with food, fun and the opportunity for parents to receive educational information in an informal setting.
No School--Monday, February 15
February 10, 2016
ESE Parent Survey
February 5, 2016
Each year, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) surveys parents of children with an individual educational plan (IEP) to determine how well your child's school is partnering with you and promoting your involvement in your child's education. All states must collect this data as part of their State Performance Plan, as required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The survey can be completed online at the following link: http://www.esesurvey.com.
Your feedback is important in helping the state and local school systems continue improving educational programs for children.
For more information, please click the file below.