Kindergarten open enrollment for the 2017--2018 school year in Homes County will be  held at Bethlehem High School, Bonifay Elementary School, Ponce de Leon Elementary School and Poplar Springs High School during the week of April 24—28, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. each day.  School of choice is dependent upon enrollment capacity.  Please check with your school of choice for details.

Florida law states that any child  that is five years of age on or before September 1, 2017 is eligible  to register for kindergarten.

Please bring the following information with you when you come to register your child:

Verification of Legal Name - Birth Certificate

Verification of Age - Birth Certificate

Verification of Immunization and Physical Exam  -

These must be completed on Florida forms by a physician or a Florida county health department.

Proof of physical examination must be within the last year.

If documentation cannot be provided, a physical examination must be obtained within 30 days.

Verification of Address  -

Parent or guardian's Florida driver's license or state ID showing the current correct address.

Another item in the parent or guardian's name showing the current address such as: auto registration, current bill or current pay stub.




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